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Djeco 8 Colouring Pencils for Little Ones

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Djeco 8 Colouring Pencils for Little Ones (7875458105570)
Djeco 8 Colouring Pencils for Little Ones (7875458105570)

This colourful pack contains 8 coloured pencils designed specifically for very young children. 

Triangular, short and thick: easy for little hands to hold. Bright colours and soft cores they readily mark the paper. Super washable.

Djeco 8 Colouring Pencils For Little Ones DJ09004 for children 18 months+

  • 8 super washable pencils
  • triangular, short and thick
  • Soft core - they readily mark paper.
  • Range of bright colours
  • Pack dimensions 13 x 12.5 x 1.5 cm

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